SimplySocial Technology Pvt. Ltd. Apps

CrPC - Code of Criminal Procedure 1.10.13
Complete CrPC - Code of Criminal Procedure presented in a userfriendly design with excellent user experience. With dailynotifications, judgements and news, the app helps understandsections better and ensures you are up to date with all the aspectsof this act. Divided clearly into Chapters and Sections andunedited text of all the sections. Browse through sections withswipe gesture in a clutter free design helping you focus on thecore content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Really helpful for Lawstudents doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equally important forcitizens of India in understanding Indian Law and be morecomfortable with the legal terminology. One app focused on CrPCIndia giving an excellent user experience while studying andgetting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of the technologywith much more to come in coming updates. - All the sectionsdivided into chapters and sections. - Full text search to searchthrough chapters, sections and content. - Fast, Intuitive Full TextSearch to allow search chapters/ Sections and content. - Addsections to favorites for future reference. - Share app across allpossible shareable options available on your device. - NeatPresentation in the form of Heading and Description in every Screen- Clean Reading Experience - Memory and Batter efficientexperience. - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about theCriminal Procedure Code And MUCH MUCH more!
RTI - Right to Information Act 1.1
Complete RTI - Right to Information Act presented in a userfriendly design with excellent user experience. With dailynotifications, judgements and news, the app helps understandsections better and ensures you are up to date with all the aspectsof this act. Divided clearly into Chapters and Sections andunedited text of all Rules/Sections and Orders. Browse throughsections with swipe gesture in a clutter free design helping youfocus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Reallyhelpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equallyimportant for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and bemore comfortable with the legal terminology. One app focused ongiving an excellent user experience while studying and getting toknow Indian Law. We promise the best of the technology with muchmore to come in coming updates. - Enhanced and improved search forbetter access to content. - Related News Items for betterunderstanding of sections. - Daily notifications to help stayupdated on all the sections. - Swipe through the content to savetime and easier browsing experience. - A real readable format forbetter readability. - All Rules and Sections divided into chaptersand sections. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allow searchchapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favorites forfuture reference. - Share app across all possible shareable optionsavailable on your device. - Neat Presentation in the form ofHeading and Description in every Screen - Clean Reading Experience- Memory and Batter efficient experience. - WORKS OFFLINE - A goodway to learn about Information Technology Act. And MUCH MUCH more!
Family Courts Act 1984 1.1
Family Courts Act 1984 presented in a user friendly design withexcellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters andSections and unedited text of all the sections. Browse throughsections with swipe gesture in a clutter free design helping youfocus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Reallyhelpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equallyimportant for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and bemore comfortable with the legal terminology. One app focused ongiving an excellent user experience while studying and getting toknow Indian Law. We promise the best of the technology with muchmore to come in coming updates. - Browse through entire content ina structured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allowsearch chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favoritesfor future reference. - Share app across all possible shareableoptions available on your device. - Neat Presentation in the formof Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - Memory and Batter efficient experience. - WORKSOFFLINE - A good way to learn about the Family Courts Act 198 AndMUCH MUCH more!
IT- Information Technology Act 1.0
Complete IT - Information Technology Act presented in a userfriendly design with excellent user experience. Divided clearlyinto Chapters and Sections and unedited text of all Rules/Sectionsand Orders. Browse through sections with swipe gesture in a clutterfree design helping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKSIN OFFLINE MODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers,Advocates and equally important for citizens of India inunderstanding Indian Law and be more comfortable with the legalterminology. One app focused on giving an excellent user experiencewhile studying and getting to know Indian Law. We promise the bestof the technology with much more to come in coming updates. - Areal readable format for better readability. - All Rules andSections divided into chapters and sections. - Browse throughentire content in a structured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full TextSearch to allow search chapters/ Sections and content. - Addsections to favorites for future reference. - Share app across allpossible shareable options available on your device. - NeatPresentation in the form of Heading and Description in every Screen- Clean Reading Experience - Memory and Batter efficientexperience. - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about theInformation Technology Act And MUCH MUCH more!
IEA - Indian Evidence Act 1872 1.1
Complete IEA - Indian Evidence Act presented in a user friendlydesign with excellent user experience. Divided clearly intoChapters and Sections and unedited text of all 167 sections. Browsethrough sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. One appfocused on giving an excellent user experience while studying andgetting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of the technologywith much more to come in coming updates. - All 167 sectionsdivided into chapters and sections. - Browse through entire contentin a structured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allowsearch chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favoritesfor future reference. - Share app across all possible shareableoptions available on your device. - Neat Presentation in the formof Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - Memory and Batter efficient experience. - WORKSOFFLINE - A good way to learn about the IEA - Indian Evidence Act1872 And MUCH MUCH more! We take pride in ensuring the best of thequalities both from content and experience wise. Please feel freeto reach out to us for anything you don't like We promise to address your concerns ina jiffy and ensure YOU GET THE CREDIT for every bit of enhancementwe make based on your feedback.
ICA - Indian Contract Act 1872 1.2.5
Complete Indian Contract Act (ICA) presented in a user friendlydesign with excellent user experience. Divided clearly intoChapters and Sections and unedited text of all 266 sections. Browsethrough sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. One appfocused on giving an excellent user experience while studying andgetting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of the technologywith much more to come in coming updates. - All 266 sectionsdivided into chapters and sections. - Browse through entire contentin a structured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allowsearch chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favoritesfor future reference. - Share app across all possible shareableoptions available on your device. - Neat Presentation in the formof Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - Memory and Batter efficient experience. - WORKSOFFLINE - A good way to learn about the Indian Penal Code And MUCHMUCH more!
CPC - Code of Civil Procedure 1.2
Complete CPC - Code of Civil Procedure presented in a user friendlydesign with excellent user experience. Divided clearly intoChapters and Sections and unedited text of all Rules/Sections andOrders. Browse through sections with swipe gesture in a clutterfree design helping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKSIN OFFLINE MODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers,Advocates and equally important for citizens of India inunderstanding Indian Law and be more comfortable with the legalterminology. One app focused on giving an excellent user experiencewhile studying and getting to know Indian Law. We promise the bestof the technology with much more to come in coming updates. - Areal readable format for better readability. - All Rules andSections divided into chapters and sections. - Browse throughentire content in a structured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full TextSearch to allow search chapters/ Sections and content. - Addsections to favorites for future reference. - Share app across allpossible shareable options available on your device. - NeatPresentation in the form of Heading and Description in every Screen- Clean Reading Experience - Memory and Batter efficientexperience. - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about the IndianPenal Code And MUCH MUCH more!
IPC - Indian Penal Code 1860 0.1.8
Complete Indian Penal code (IPC) wth amendments presented in a userfriendly design with excellent user experience. Divided clearlyinto Chapters and Sections and unedited text of all 554 sections.Browse through sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. One appfocused on giving an excellent user experience while studying andgetting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of the technologywith much more to come in coming updates. - App with allamendments. - All 554 sections divided into chapters and sections.- Improved reading experience with PARAGRAPH FORMATTING - Browsethrough entire content in a structured manner. - Fast, IntuitiveFull Text Search to allow search chapters/ Sections and content. -Add sections to favorites for future reference. - Share app acrossall possible shareable options available on your device. - NeatPresentation in the form of Heading and Description in every Screen- Clean Reading Experience - Memory and Batter efficientexperience. - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about the IndianPenal Code And MUCH MUCH more!
Domestic Violence Act, 2005 1.0
Domestic Violence Act, 2005 presented in a user friendly designwith excellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters andSections and unedited text of all the sections. Browse throughsections with swipe gesture in a clutter free design helping youfocus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Reallyhelpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equallyimportant for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and bemore comfortable with the legal terminology. One app focused ongiving an excellent user experience while studying and getting toknow Indian Law. We promise the best of the technology with muchmore to come in coming updates. - Browse through entire content ina structured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allowsearch chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favoritesfor future reference. - Share app across all possible shareableoptions available on your device. - Neat Presentation in the formof Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - Memory and Batter efficient experience. - WORKSOFFLINE - A good way to learn about the Domestic Violence Act, 2005And MUCH MUCH more!
Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 1.0
Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 presented in a user friendly designwith excellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters andSections and unedited text of all the sections. Browse throughsections with swipe gesture in a clutter free design helping youfocus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Reallyhelpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equallyimportant for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and bemore comfortable with the legal terminology. One app focused ongiving an excellent user experience while studying and getting toknow Indian Law. We promise the best of the technology with muchmore to come in coming updates. - Browse through entire content ina structured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allowsearch chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favoritesfor future reference. - Share app across all possible shareableoptions available on your device. - Neat Presentation in the formof Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - Memory and Batter efficient experience. - WORKSOFFLINE - A good way to learn about the Negotiable Instrument Act1881 And MUCH MUCH more!
Hindu Marriage Act 1955 1.3
Hindu Marriage Act 1955 presented in a user friendly design withexcellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters andSections and unedited text of all Rules/Sections and Orders. Browsethrough sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. One appfocused on giving an excellent user experience while studying andgetting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of the technologywith much more to come in coming updates. - A real readable formatfor better readability. - All Rules and Sections divided intochapters and sections. - Browse through entire content in astructured manner. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allowsearch chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favoritesfor future reference. - Share app across all possible shareableoptions available on your device. - Neat Presentation in the formof Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - Memory and Batter efficient experience. - WORKSOFFLINE - A good way to learn about Hindu Marriage Act 1955. AndMUCH MUCH more!
Transfer of Property Act, 1882 1.0
TPA 1894 - Transfer of Property Act, 1882 app presented in a userfriendly design with excellent user experience. Divided clearlyinto Chapters and Sections and unedited text of all the sections.Browse through sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. One appfocused on Transfer of Property Act in India giving an excellentuser experience while studying and getting to know Indian Law. Wepromise the best of the technology with much more to come in comingupdates. - All the sections divided into chapters and sections. -Daily notifications with various sections for better readingexperience - Full text search to search through chapters, sectionsand content. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allow searchchapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favorites forfuture reference. - Share app across all possible shareable optionsavailable on your device. - Neat Presentation in the form ofHeading and Description in every Screen - Clean Reading Experience- WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about the Transfer ofProperty Act And MUCH MUCH more!
Hindu Succession Act, 1956 1.0
Hindu Succession Act, 1956 app presented in a user friendly designwith excellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters andSections and unedited text of all the sections. Browse throughsections with swipe gesture in a clutter free design helping youfocus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Reallyhelpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equallyimportant for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and bemore comfortable with the legal terminology. App focused on HinduSuccession Act in India giving an excellent user experience whilestudying and getting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of thetechnology with much more to come in coming updates. - All thesections divided into chapters and sections. - Daily notificationswith various sections for better reading experience - Full textsearch to search through chapters, sections and content. - Fast,Intuitive Full Text Search to allow search chapters/ Sections andcontent. - Add sections to favorites for future reference. - Shareapp across all possible shareable options available on your device.- Neat Presentation in the form of Heading and Description in everyScreen - Clean Reading Experience - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way tolearn about the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 app And MUCH MUCH more!
Limitations Act, 1963 1.0
Limitations Act, 1963 app presented in a user friendly design withexcellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters andSections and unedited text of all the sections. Browse throughsections with swipe gesture in a clutter free design helping youfocus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Reallyhelpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equallyimportant for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and bemore comfortable with the legal terminology. App focused onLimitation Act in India giving an excellent user experience whilestudying and getting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of thetechnology with much more to come in coming updates. - All thesections divided into chapters and sections. - Daily notificationswith various sections for better reading experience - Full textsearch to search through chapters, sections and content. - Fast,Intuitive Full Text Search to allow search chapters/ Sections andcontent. - Add sections to favorites for future reference. - Shareapp across all possible shareable options available on your device.- Neat Presentation in the form of Heading and Description in everyScreen - Clean Reading Experience - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way tolearn about the Limitations Act, 1963 app And MUCH MUCH more!
Advocates Act, 1961 1.0
Advocates Act, 1961 app presented in a user friendly design withexcellent user experience. Divided clearly into Chapters andSections and unedited text of all the sections. Browse throughsections with swipe gesture in a clutter free design helping youfocus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINE MODE Reallyhelpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equallyimportant for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and bemore comfortable with the legal terminology. App focused onAdvocates Act in India giving an excellent user experience whilestudying and getting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of thetechnology with much more to come in coming updates. - All thesections divided into chapters and sections. - Daily notificationswith various sections for better reading experience - Full textsearch to search through chapters, sections and content. - Fast,Intuitive Full Text Search to allow search chapters/ Sections andcontent. - Add sections to favorites for future reference. - Shareapp across all possible shareable options available on your device.- Neat Presentation in the form of Heading and Description in everyScreen - Clean Reading Experience - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way tolearn about the Advocates Act, 1961 app And MUCH MUCH more!
Protection of Human Right 1993 1.0
Protection of Human Rights, 1993 app presented in a user friendlydesign with excellent user experience. Divided clearly intoChapters and Sections and unedited text of all the sections. Browsethrough sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. One appfocused on Protection of Human Rights Act in India giving anexcellent user experience while studying and getting to know IndianLaw. We promise the best of the technology with much more to comein coming updates. - All the sections divided into chapters andsections. - Daily notifications with various sections for betterreading experience - Full text search to search through chapters,sections and content. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allowsearch chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favoritesfor future reference. - Share app across all possible shareableoptions available on your device. - Neat Presentation in the formof Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about theProtection of Human Rights Act, 1993 And MUCH MUCH more!
Prevention of Corruption, 1988 1.0
PCA 1988 - Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 app presented in auser friendly design with excellent user experience. Dividedclearly into Chapters and Sections and unedited text of all thesections. Browse through sections with swipe gesture in a clutterfree design helping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKSIN OFFLINE MODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers,Advocates and equally important for citizens of India inunderstanding Indian Law and be more comfortable with the legalterminology. One app focused on Prevention of Corruption in Indiagiving an excellent user experience while studying and getting toknow Indian Law. We promise the best of the technology with muchmore to come in coming updates. - All the sections divided intochapters and sections. - Daily notifications with various sectionsfor better reading experience - Full text search to search throughchapters, sections and content. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Searchto allow search chapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections tofavorites for future reference. - Share app across all possibleshareable options available on your device. - Neat Presentation inthe form of Heading and Description in every Screen - Clean ReadingExperience - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about thePrevention of Corruption, Act And MUCH MUCH more!
Indian Divorce Act, 1969 1.0
IDA - Indian Divorce Act, 1969 app presented in a user friendlydesign with excellent user experience. Divided clearly intoChapters and Sections and unedited text of all the sections. Browsethrough sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. App focusedon Divorces in India giving an excellent user experience whilestudying and getting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of thetechnology with much more to come in coming updates. - All thesections divided into chapters and sections. - Daily notificationswith various sections for better reading experience - Full textsearch to search through chapters, sections and content. - Fast,Intuitive Full Text Search to allow search chapters/ Sections andcontent. - Add sections to favorites for future reference. - Shareapp across all possible shareable options available on your device.- Neat Presentation in the form of Heading and Description in everyScreen - Clean Reading Experience - WORKS OFFLINE - A good way tolearn about the Indian Divorce Act, 1969 And MUCH MUCH more!
Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 1.0
JJA - Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 app presented in a user friendlydesign with excellent user experience. Divided clearly intoChapters and Sections and unedited text of all the sections. Browsethrough sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. App focusedon Juvenile Justice Laws in India giving an excellent userexperience while studying and getting to know Indian Law. Wepromise the best of the technology with much more to come in comingupdates. - All the sections divided into chapters and sections. -Daily notifications with various sections for better readingexperience - Full text search to search through chapters, sectionsand content. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allow searchchapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favorites forfuture reference. - Share app across all possible shareable optionsavailable on your device. - Neat Presentation in the form ofHeading and Description in every Screen - Clean Reading Experience- WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about the Juvenile JusticeAct, 2000 app And MUCH MUCH more!
Land Acquisition Act, 1894 1.0
LAA 1894 - Land Acquisition Act, 1894 app presented in a userfriendly design with excellent user experience. Divided clearlyinto Chapters and Sections and unedited text of all the sections.Browse through sections with swipe gesture in a clutter free designhelping you focus on the core content. THIS APP WORKS IN OFFLINEMODE Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocatesand equally important for citizens of India in understanding IndianLaw and be more comfortable with the legal terminology. One appfocused on Land Acquisition in India giving an excellent userexperience while studying and getting to know Indian Law. Wepromise the best of the technology with much more to come in comingupdates. - All the sections divided into chapters and sections. -Daily notifications with various sections for better readingexperience - Full text search to search through chapters, sectionsand content. - Fast, Intuitive Full Text Search to allow searchchapters/ Sections and content. - Add sections to favorites forfuture reference. - Share app across all possible shareable optionsavailable on your device. - Neat Presentation in the form ofHeading and Description in every Screen - Clean Reading Experience- WORKS OFFLINE - A good way to learn about the Land AcquisitionAct And MUCH MUCH more!